Edtwinge – clever Twitter widget at Edinburgh Fringe Festival


bird.jpgSo you are at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and are weighing up the pros and cons of around forty different shows. Yet you are still not sure which ones to go to. Well one way is to use the wisdom of the crowd delivered to you via Twitter.

There’s a new very clever site called Edtwinge that takes tweets about the various plays and then gives them a rating based on the phrases used in the tweets. It does this by using an extensive database of commonly used words and phrases that express positive or negative sentiment. Tweets containing these words or phrases are automatically scored as positive or negative and contribute to the rating

It then generates what the Twitter community believes are the fest’s top ten shows.

If it works well I suppose the formula could then be applied to gadgets, music, films restaurants and anything else that can be rated. The nearest thing to it I could find is the excellent Twitter style review service Musebin

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