Griffin to save kids from going deaf with MyPhones

Headphones / Earphones

Griffin MYPhones.jpgIf you want to make your millions don’t bother spending days perfecting your Phone app. No the business that will really make money for you one day is around designing cool-looking hearing aids.

Lets’ face it, since the invention of the Walkman and its offspring the iPod, several generations of teenagers have blasted their ears with music that is way too loud for them and are subsequently well on the road to going deaf. So anyone who invents a hearing aid that doesn’t look like a Bluetooth headset for the terminally unfashionable is sure to hit pay dirt.

Saving future generations from such a fate is the mission of Griffin Technology. It has come up with a plan to ensure that youngsters don’t damage their hearing until at least they hit the big 1-0 with the very sensible MyPhones- earphones aimed at kids with a volume cap of 85 decibels. Apparently that is the maximum sustained volume level recommended by many regulatory agencies. Also the earphones are supra-aural, which means that they sit outside the ear with no parts entering the ear canal and are even safer for youngsters.

In case kids do listen them and ask difficult questions about why The Saturdays seem a bit on the quiet side Griffin has created a cunning diversion by enabling parents to suggest to kids they customise their earphone’s shell cap. Clever stuff!

The MyPhones go on sale inn Apple stores very soon and will retail for £29.99.

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