Sky launches music service

Satellite TV

Sky+logo_959_18154498_0_0_12686_300.jpgGood news for Sky users. A year and half after it first announced its intention to launch a digital music service, Sky Songs will go live next week. It appears that the delay has largely been due to the fact that it has taken a long time to sign up all the major music labels.

The best bit is that Sky subscribers get a free album if they sign up for a trial. It is also a fairly competitive service with individual tracks selling for 65p each – which is cheaper than many of Sky’s rivals.

Alternatively for £6.49 or £7.99 per month Sky offers unlimited streaming plus 10 or 15 free MP3 downloads depending on which price plan the user chooses.

The only real drawback is that with four million tunes Sky’s services is a lot smaller than many of its rivals.

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