Google phone to be revealed early 2010? Samsung or LG possible manufacturers?

Google, Mobile phones, Tech Digest news

AndroidTech Crunch have pooled together some pretty convincing evidence to suggest that Google may be launching their own branded phone by the beginning of next year.

Based on information gathered from numerous insider sources, Tech Crunch are happy to confirm that:

  • Goole will sell the phone directly themselves and through retailers.
  • The Google phone will be manufactured by an established phone manufacturer, with Samsung or LG the most likely to take up the task.
  • Google will have total control over the design of the phone, with a “no compromise” approach to their Android OS.
  • There will be a big advertising push for the device around January, perhaps signalling a Spring release.

It’s still not much to go on, but it certainly does fan the flames of the Google phone fire once more.

Via: Tech Crunch

Gerald Lynch
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