You Booze You Looze iPhone app helps keep a check on your pub-session calorie intake

iPhone apps, Tech Digest news

you booze you looze.jpgIt’s all too easy to get a bit carried away during the festive season, knocking back one too many at the office Christmas party. It’s not just bad for your reputation; it’s bad on your bank balance and your belt-line too.

Enter the You Booze You Looze iPhone app, helping you to keep track of your drinking habits without being too preachy.

Users create a profile with the app, which then acts as a tab, keeping track not only of your bar expenses, but also your calorie and unit intake. Once you’re a bit tipsy, you can then test your motor skills with some steady-hand mini games.

Twitter and Facebook support are also featured in the app, so you can keep watch over your drinking buddies.

The app is available from the iPhone App store now for 59p.

Gerald Lynch
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