Apple source calls the Tablet an "iPhone on steroids"

Apple, Tablet, Tech Digest news

When it comes to rumours, Boy Genius Report always seem to have some great, reliable sources. I’m not sure where they’ve picked these sneaky contacts up, but I sure wouldn’t mind flicking through their phone book! The latest leak they’ve picked up on comes from an Apple connect that they say has never “steered us wrong”.

Here’s the low-down on the fresh details they’ve acquired.

  • It’s powered by an incredibly fast ARM CPU
  • The tablet’s multi-touch gestures are “out of control.”
  • It runs on the iPhone kernel.
  • The internal model number is K48AP.
  • There hasn’t been an updated iPhone OS build because there’s too much tablet-related code/references in the OS and Apple obviously didn’t want that to leak. Oh dear.
  • The tablet is basically an “iPhone on steroids.”

So there you have it. Or at least the rumour concerning whatever “it” turns out to be. An iPhone on steroids? Not sure that’s enough for me to be honest. I was expecting the next iPhone to be an iPhone on steroids, I wanted this one to be a tablet on steroids!

Still, rumour and speculation only at this point. Until the end of the month at least, anyway.

Via: Boy Genius Report

Gerald Lynch
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