$19,999 for a diamond-encrusted Apple iPad

iPad, Tech Digest news

diamond ipad.JPGYou may think yourself part of a pretty exclusive club of early-adopters if you were one of the lucky 120,000-odd who scooped up an iPad pre-order over the weekend. But nothing reeks of exclusivity like diamond-encrusted tech, or a diamond covered iPad for that matter.

Created by customisation experts Mervis, the “diamond studded iPad features 11.43 carats of diamonds, hand-set in a micro-pave styling. The diamonds are graded G/H in color and VS2/SI1 in clarity.”

That’s rich-talk for super-expensive, to you and me. $19,999 worth of super-expensive to be precise, or the equivalent of 40 Wi-Fi iPads.

We may mock them, but every time a new bit of tech kit hits shelves, someone throws up a limited edition blinged-out model to indulge in. Someone, somewhere, is buying these things. Someone, somewhere, should really be investing in an accountant to handle their finances.

Gerald Lynch
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