Hunted Radio in cool Myspace app shocker

Digital Music, Facebook, Internet, Tech Digest news, Twitter, Websites

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Sadly, it’s not often Tech Digest find many positive stories to cover about Myspace any more. However, while the social network struggles to re-align itself in the wake of Facebook‘s massive successes, we were pleasantly surprised to find a cool new radio app available from developers We Are Hunted for those still using the site.

Hunted Radio is a crowd sourcing music app that collates the most listened to tracks on Myspace in the last minute. More a tool for finding new music than for prolonged listening sessions, it only gives you one minute previews of each song so as to quickly show you as many popular artists as possible. If you like what you hear, you can click an artist picture to be sent to their Myspace homepage for further info and full length tracks, or add them to a list of favourites for future reference.

Myspace users have pretty eclectic taste from the sounds of things, with not a big named artist in sight from our brief testing session with the app.

Hunted Radio is definitely worth a try, so click here to get started.

Also, anyone else thinking that Spotify, with it’s massive user base and huge library of songs, could do with a similar function? It could be like the Twitter of music.

Gerald Lynch
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