Sony and Intel to reveal "DragonPoint" powered Google TV?

Google, HDTV, Tech Digest news, TVs

google TV old.jpgLike some sort of tech Holy Trinity, Sony, Intel and Google are rumoured to be working together on a Google TV, with official details of the project expected to be revealed next month.

All three companies are scheduled to meet for a conference organised by Google over the 19th and 20th of May. While there are no confirmed products for the conference as yet, analysts are predicting that the partnership will produce a web and apps enabled TV, running Google’s Android OS.

Reports are coming in that the Sony TVs will run on a customised Atom chip, codenamed “DragonPoint“, with a version of Android specifically tailored to couch-bound users. Alongside this news, Logitech are also said to be working on a remote control/keyboard hybrid to navigate the TV and its many potential functions.

Samsung executives also recently revealed they too are keen to develop a TV built around Google’s Android OS.

Via: Akihabara News / Bloomberg

Gerald Lynch
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