Facebook readying location based services?

Facebook, Tech Digest news

facebooklogo250.jpgFacebook could be preparing to roll out location based features to its social network, if a report by Advertising Age is to be believed.

Facebook are said to be integrating location based information and a check-in system that appears very similar to Foursquare.

Fast-food giant McDonalds are already keen on the idea. Tying products and offers into the location service could bring a whole new dimension to digital advertising for the chain and similar retail outlets, with Facebook’s massive user-base just waiting to be tapped into.

Facebook’s Kevin Colleran was tight lipped on what the service may eventually offer however. “We’re still trying to figure out what our strategy is,” he said. “When we launch, whatever our product in that space, we will figure it out.”

While it’s probably still some way into the future, location services seem well suited to the social community, with the prospect of geo-location games on Facebook sounding really neat. Expect this to hit the US sometime before it ever hits the UK though, if at all.

Via: Mashable

Gerald Lynch
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