Sony executive calls for changes to Australian videogames classification system

Gaming, Tech Digest news


Australia has one of the most notoriously strict game rating systems in the world. Many games receive an adult rating in other parts of the world, but otherwise remain untouched, shipping the same way as the developers initially intended. In Australia however, to be even considered for an adult rating, games like Left 4 Dead 2 had to face heavy levels of censorship, with some particularly mature titles never getting a release date at all.

Now Michael Ephraim, boss of Sony Computer Entertainment Australia, has spoken out against the system, citing double standards for leniency shown to other forms of media.

“Gaming has moved on, the choice of content has moved on and I think it is time Australia gets in step with the rest of the world and has an R rating classification,” he told the Associated Press earlier today in Sydney.

“I think it is just giving people choice. You give people choice for movies, books, whatever. Why aren’t you giving them choice for gaming?

“The Government needs to move on, to stop thinking that gaming is for kids, gaming has grown up. Eight to 88 (year olds) play games now … the average age of a gamer is something like 24 years old.”

A noble shout out by Ephraim, but perhaps a little pointless at this stage. Public submissions on a change to Australia’s classification system have already been brought to the government, and are currently awaiting review.


Gerald Lynch
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