Zynga leaving Facebook, taking Farmville to pastures new?

Facebook, Gaming, Tech Digest news

Zynga, the developers behind the massively popular Farmville game, are rumoured to be preparing to break away from Facebook.

If reports are to be believed, Zynga are looking to create their own social network in which to house the games they create, which also include the popular Mafia Wars game. If Facebook lose Farmville it’d be a massive blow for Mark Zuckerberg and the Facebook team; Farmville alone attracts some 80 million users to Facebook around the world.

Relations between Zynga and Facebook are said to be deteriorating quite rapidly. Much of the argument revolves around Facebook’s “Credits” system, with which third-party developers are paid. The system sees Facebook retain 30% of all revenue acquired by the game, which considering the amount of players taking part in micro-transactions across the Zynga games, is a very pretty penny indeed.

Zynga CEO Mark Pincus has reportedly sent an email to employees to prepare for the potential split, and has also referenced a potential launch of a “social game network called Zynga Live.”

Via: TechCrunch

Gerald Lynch
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  • Some fact about Farmville game.This game build in just 7 days.Any one believe this????.Zynga developer are brilliant in their work and they know the what are the important things in developing games

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  • if not farmville there are many games on internet , but there is nothing that is like facebook………i am a big time addict of far ville but face book is my first choice

  • Zynga is cutting their own throat if they move. This is greed motivated, too bad.

  • Facebook is getting outta control…lets’ go Zynga…I am behind you all the way!

  • The only surprise here is that Techcrunch are just reporting this. Any player of FV would already have seen this coming.

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