Tesco launching iTunes-like Digital Locker service

Tech Digest news

Tesco are said to be planning to launch an iTunes like service called Digital Locker, allowing its user to access any content they purchase online on multiple devices at any time.

The tagline alongside Digital Locker is “buy the title, not the format”. A user will be able to buy a film or an mp3 for example online, have it automatically transferred to Tesco’s Digital Locker, and then access the file in an appropriate format for as many as 12 registered devices. Users will have the choice of streaming content, or downloading it straight to the device in question.

The service could be ready as soon as October, and has the backing of DSG, owner of PC World, Currys and Dixons. Being developed by Blueprint Digital, they have suggested that brands such as Play.com and HMV may also be able to adopt a version of the service should they see fit do so.

Perhaps this will mark the start of some real competition for iTunes? What do you think?

Via: Home Cinema Choice

Gerald Lynch
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