BBC 6Music saved from the axe!
BBC 6Music, in my honest opinion, is one of the last bastions of taste in a sea of dodgy radio stations. So it’s with no small amount of pleasure that I am happy to report that it is to be saved from the axe, contrary to plans drawn up in February of this year!
Fans were in uproar when the BBC announced that the station was to close, with many Facebook protest groups popping up and the #save6music Twitter hashtag quickly trending. According to a lengthy statement, the protests worked, with “significant public support for the service” making up 78% of the 50,000 online responses to the proposed cuts.
“As things stand, the case has not been made for the closure of 6Music. The Executive should draw up an overarching strategy for digital radio. If the Director General wanted to propose a different shape for the BBC’s music radio stations…the Trust would consider it,” the statement reads. Safe for now then, but BBC 6Music could still be in danger if a solid case for its closure was drawn up.
Many of the proposed closures however will still go ahead. The Asian Network and teen-aimed Blast! Are still set to close, while the online budget will still be subject to 25% funding cuts.