Xbox Live Gold subscription prices getting a hike

Gaming, Tech Digest news

xbox live thumb.jpegIf you’ve been holding out on renewing your Xbox Live Gold subscription, you should probably think about getting on with it sooner rather than later. Microsoft have announced that the cost of accessing the Gold tier of their online network is set to increase in the UK and US this November.

UK subscription fees will rise by a pound per month from £4.99 to £5.99, though a yearly membership will stay at £39.99.

US subscribers will now pay $9.99 a month up from $7.99. Their yearly charge will also rise ten dollars to $59.99. At the current exchange rate however that’s still a better deal than the UK yearly rate, equal to roughly £38.93.

It’s the first time that Microsoft have increased the subscription cost of the service, and though some will put the charge down to inflation changes, others will note that the PS3’s equivalent PlayStation Network service remains free to all users. Sony’s PlayStation Plus service merely adds more content and game downloads at a premium; online multiplayer still costs nothing.

Gerald Lynch
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One thought on “Xbox Live Gold subscription prices getting a hike

  • There is nothing that the subscribers can do with the increase in their subscription fee. Its their decision if they would still continue the subscription or not.

    Stanley Lee from Tirer son lait 

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