Attack of the Nerds: Google's Andy Rubin hits back after Steve Jobs's anti-Android tirade

Apple, Google, Tech Digest news, Twitter

andy rubin tweet.jpgLike a first-born child, your first kiss or your first beer, your first tweet can be a momentous occassion. Sort of. Well it certainly is when you use it to go head-to-head with the tech titan Steve Jobs in an attempt to out-nerd the King of the Fanboys.

That’s exactly what Google’s Andy Rubin did anyway.

The VP of engineering for the search giants hit back at Steve Jobs, who earlier this week slammed Android tablets as DOA, and defended accusations that his iOS platform was too closed for developers.

Rubin respoded with this tweet to open his account:

“the definition of open: “mkdir android ; cd android ; repo init -u git:// ; repo sync ; make”

Goobledygook? Not quite; that coded message represents the very open nature of the open-sourced Android OS. It’s basically nerd-speak for a “Yo Mama” cuss, showing in scientific terms that the Android ethos is to welcome developers with open arms, unlike laying down too many hoops to jump through as Apple tend to do.

Jobs himself doesn’t have a Twitter account, so don’t expect a slagging match to ensue on the micro-blogging platform. But with an Apple event scheduled for October, we wouldn’t expect the day to pass without Jobs making a sly dig back at Rubin.

Gerald Lynch
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