Twitter News service incoming?
Twitter co-founder Biz Stone has been talking about the possibilities of setting up a Twitter News service. With the micro-blogging platform an increasingly valuable source for journalists, its links to Google, Bing and Yahoo could make a new news stream fairly easy to set up.
“I think a Twitter news service would be something that would be very open and shared with many different news organisations around the world,” he told Reuters.
However Twitter communications main-main Sean Garret was quickly tweeting to nip the suggestion in the bud: “No plans for Twitter news network…Biz pondered how news orgs could so this on their own (or together). Perhaps w/direct access to Twitter data all hypothetical.”
Either way, Biz Stone’s definitely thinking about it. Could a Twitter News service work? Or is too much of a jump from tweeting on X-Factor hairstyles to crowd-sourced reporting?