iPad 2 to beat the BlackBerry Playbook to stores?

Apple, iPad, Tablet, Tech Digest news

RIM’s BlackBerry Playbook tablet may have he wind knocked out its sales by Apple before it even hits stores. The suggestion comes as rumoured manufacturing delays may mean that the tablet will not hit stores until March, whereas it had previously been expected to touch down by February.

With RIM revealing they are not expecting any Playbook-related revenue until at least March at the earliest, you can pretty much rule out the February launch.

And so, if the annual 12-month cycle of Apple device revamps are anything to go by, we could likely expect to see the iPad 2 revealed and on sale weeks ahead of its fledgling competitor.

RIM would struggle to get the same press attention as is reserved for the Apple hype machine, and the Playbook would effectively be dead in the water to all but the niche, hardcore BlackBerry fans. Which would be a shame, as the Playbook so far has looked pretty nifty in RIM’s series of demo videos.

Via: Crunch Gear

Gerald Lynch
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