Tory porn block plans not possible say ISPA

Internet, Tech Digest news, Websites

The Conservative government’s plans to put a blanket block on pornographic websites is not feasible, according to Nicholas Lansman, the secretary general of the Internet Service Providers Association (ISPA). He has instead suggested that responsibility lies with parents in order to prevent minors from viewing adult content unlawfully.

“Blocking lawful pornography content… will lead to the blocking of access to legitimate content and is only effective in preventing inadvertent access,” he said.

“Online safety is a priority issue for the internet industry and ISPA will be discussing the options available to protect children with government.”

Communications minister Ed Vaizey had been set to meet ISPs to discuss the plans, but a spokesperson has now said that “there is no confirmed date yet and we are currently in the process of setting this up”.

While there are few that would argue against keeping pornographic content out of the reach of children, many saw the move as a back door attempt at web censorship.

Via: MacWorld

Gerald Lynch
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