Mark Zuckerberg gets "F'raped": Is no-one safe from Facebook privacy flaws?

Computer Security, Facebook, Features, Tech Digest news

Mark Zuckerberg, the multi-billionaire king of the Facebook empire, had his own personal fan page attacked last night, calling further into question the security of the world’s largest social networking site.

The hacker left the following status update whilst under the guise of Zuckerberg himself:

“Let the hacking begin: If facebook needs money, instead of going to the banks, why doesn’t Facebook let its users invest in Facebook in a social way? Why not transform Facebook into a ‘social business’ the way Nobel Price winner Muhammad Yunus described it? What do you think? #hackercup2011″

The message refers to investments made by Goldman Sachs and a Russian venture capital firm, which have pushed Facebook’s valuation to around the $50 billion mark.

While the communistic suggestion of some sort of social funding will never be more than a pipedream, the hacker’s message inspired over 1,800 fans to “Like” the update, suggesting discontent from Facebook users at the social network’s ever-deeper involvement with outside investors, particularly given the bad rap banks have been getting since the economic collapse.

The hack also raises the question: “If Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook account isn’t safe from attack, whose is?” It’s a worrying thought that one of the most influential men on the internet, and something of a programming genius himself, has been made to look so very vulnerable.

“Mark Zuckerberg might be wanting to take a close look at his privacy and security settings after this embarrassing breach,” said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at the security company Sophos.

“It’s not clear if he was careless with his password, was phished, or sat down in a Starbucks and got sidejacked while using an unencrypted wireless network. But however it happened, it’s left egg on his face just when Facebook wants to reassure users that it takes security and privacy seriously. Maybe Mr Zuckerberg would be wise to get a refresher on computer security best practice.”

No news official word out from Facebook yet, but the attack will certainly come as a blow to the network so keen to stress the importance of the advances made to improve their security systems.

Gerald Lynch
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  • People get hacked all the time,thats how the internet works.But it’s not pretty -_-

  • I think this just says it all really, It’s all business at the end of the day. Mark zuckerberg is a IT genius yes and he is also a businessman as well, business spreads lies as long as the top men or woman make millions or billions that is all they care about lining there own pockets.

    Yes facebook is ok but for me personally I think facebook is over hyped and to me a complete waste of time. I get on with my life but do I want to put all my lifes history up on fb hell no. It is difficult to keep your own life going trying to find every penny or cents to pay off your bills and debts. So yes it’s good to see a hacker has left egg on Mark’s zuckerberg’s face and security is highly important. So for facebook as it’s a business now making billions and making mark richer I for one after this awful gaff will be closing my fb account as I hardly use it anyway. So hopefully people will follow suit and close down there fb accounts.

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