Nokia gave BlackBerry OS a taste before settling on Windows Phone 7

Mobile phones, Tech Digest news

Nokia may have sided once and for all with Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 as their new lead smartphone platform, and Stephen Elop has already revealed that Nokia had considered adopting the Android OS for the Finnish company’s high-end handsets, but it has now also come to light that the BlackBerry OS was also in the running for inclusion.

Nokia reportedly tested all three operating systems simultaneously, feeling out the support company would offer their handsets. RIM apparently favoured well in the software testing stakes, but were uninterested overall in a partnership with Nokia.

RIM’s commitment to strong security features may have played a part in their choice to step away from a partnership with Nokia, as sources are claiming that RIM felt the Nokia hadware was not up to scratch when it came to protecting user’s data.

Either way, the Windows Phone 7 partnership is apparently initially proving lucrative for Nokia, with undisclosed sums of imaginably astronomical proportions changing hands for them to back Microsoft’s somewhat-struggling-even-if-very-good platform.

Via: BlackBerry Cool / Tech Crunch

Gerald Lynch
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