'Think Quarterly' magazine from Google: Because we need time to reflect

Features, Google, Tech Digest news


Google UK & Ireland has launched a new online magazine, Think Quarterly. The first issue is already out here: http://thinkquarterly.co.uk – and you can view it either as a standard website or as a digital magazine on the Issuu platform.

Information overload
The first issue is dedicated to data, because ‘amongst a morass of information, how can you find the magic metrics that will help transform your business’, points out Matt Brittin, managing director of Google’s UK & Ireland Operations.

Speed is of the essence when delivering new services, says Brittin, but as the speed keeps accelerating, sometimes what we need more than anything is time to reflect; ‘Think Quarterly is a breathing space in a busy world. It’s a place to take time out and consider what’s happening and why it matters.’

The new issue is headlined by an interview with Guy Laurence, boss of Vodafone UK, who talks about information overload and the ‘cure for data impotence’. Further features look at online video advertising and the notion of open data in business. Some local matters are there too: the London Borisbike scheme is soon turning one year old, and Think Quarterly considers the scheme’s value as a source of data.

Time for reflection?
For some reason the magazine isn’t mentioned on the official Google Blog, but it looks like an interesting turn for Google – opting for a bit of reflection in a business dominated by speed. The next issue of Think Quarterly will be available in May, with additional issues in July and October.

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