Nokia disconnects people with 4,000 sackings



4,000 Nokia employees will find themselves polishing their CVs, as the fading telecoms giant is trimming down to face the future.

Most jobcuts will fall to Finland and Denmark, as well as Britain where 700 positions will be cut. The process of talking to employees has already started, the company has announced.

The process will also mean the development of the Symbian platform will be outsourced, with 3,000 staff being transferred to Accenture.

“Over time, Accenture and Nokia will seek opportunities to retrain and redeploy transitioned employees,” the group said, but the news has been taken as a further sign that the Symbian platform is a sinking ship.

Nokia recently announced a tie-up with Microsoft, and plans to save €1 billion in operating expenses by 2013. The market has responded well to the news of the cuts, suggesting a belief that the harsh actions is a sign that Nokia is really starting to make the necessary, albeit harsh, changes.

[via Guardian]
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