Page as Google CEO: The changes so far

Google, Tech Digest news


It’s been a full working-week since Larry Page returned as Google CEO, taking over from Eric Schmidt after a ten-year absence from the post. Major changes are already underfoot at Google as a result, with a greater focus on social media now planned. Here’s what’s been happening over at Google HQ in this important transitory week.

There has been plenty of movement at the top of the company , with Page aiming to mark clear lines of responsibility across the independant brands under the Google umbrella. Andy Rubin is now SVP in charge of mobile, Vic Gundotra is SVP in charge of social, Sundar Pichai is SVP in charge of Chrome, Salar Kamangar is SVP in charge of YouTube and video, Alan Eustac is SVP in charge of search and Susan Wojcicki is SVP in charge of advertising. Greater autonomy across each area will now be allowed each section head, in order to encourage inovation and timely updates to products.

Bonuses for all employees will be tied to the frutifulness of these new changes; Page has promised they will rise or fall by a massive 25% depending on fortunes.

“If we’re successful in reaching our goal of integrating relationships, sharing and identity across our products, your Q4 bonus could be bigger,” Page wrote in a widely distributed memo. “If not, your Q4 bonus could be less than target.

“We all have a stake in the success of this effort and this multiplier is designed to reflect that.”

Gerald Lynch
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  • He’s got to be better than Schmidt. Jumping into a hopeless adventure into phones (Android) while letting the focus on search slip may go down in history as an MBA cases study of how Schmidt started Google on a long fall from glory.

  • Here´s a highly useful social idea for Google => ENABLE A ´BLOCK` BUTTON on Gmail, ASAP, just like on Facebook and Yahoo Mail.

    ´Block` meaning: an email from a person you don´t want to have any kind of contact with won´t even show up on ´Trash`.

    It´s a great tool to keep Cyberstalkers & Freaks & Clueless Trolls & Shunned one night stands at bay.

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