Winklevoss twins sue Facebook AGAIN!

Facebook, Tech Digest news

winklevoss-mad.jpgYesterday it seemed that the long-running court battle between Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg (as immortalised in The Social Network movie) was coming to an end, with the parties agreeing on a £48 million settlement.

That, however, is now not the case. Like G.I Joe’s incessant Crimson Twins, the Winklevoss pair are filling yet another suit against Zuckerberg’s empire, claiming that the Facebook CEO “intentionally or inadvertently suppressed evidence” in regards to the latest settlement.

The new suit also suggests that the twin’s old legal team are witholding evidence from their new legal team in relation to the ongoing Facebook case.

Enough court room drama for several The Social Network sequels, the Winklevoss argument stems back to the claim that Mark Zuckerberg stole the idea for Facebook from the twins whislt working together at Harvard.


Gerald Lynch
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