Apple co-founder Wozniak calls Steve Jobs "Most Important Technical Leader Ever"

Apple, Tech Digest news

Every one has two cents to share on Steve Jobs’s departure from his role as Apple CEO today, but few are as well placed to comment on the move as Steve Wozniak. Though no longer intimately linked with the day-to-day dealings with the company, Wozniak co-founded Apple back in 1976 alongside Jobs and Ronald Wayne.

Calling Jobs an Ayn Rand style objectivist, Wozniak discussed Jobs’s legacy and impact on the tech world with Bloomberg News.

Marking Jobs as “the most important technical leader ever”, and that he’ll be remembered “for the next hundred years as the best business leader of our time.”

He also begins to describe the iPhone like it’s a person, but we’ll forgive old Woz his eccentricities.

Listen to the interview as part of the lengthy Bloomberg special embedded above.

Gerald Lynch
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