Google "Let it snow"!

Google, Internet, Tech Digest news

google-snow.jpgFirst Apple’s Santa iPhone 4S ad, and now Google’s latest search Easter egg; it seems everyone’s getting into the festive spirit this week!

Head on over to and type “Let it snow” into the search box.

You’ll then be faced with a digital snow storm that lays a blanket of the white stuff all over your search results, with flakes falling slowly down from the top of the screen.

Once the screen is suitably covered, you can take an ice scraper and clean the screen up, or hit a “Defrost” button to start all over again.

What a great little trick! Up there with Google’s best, but is it better than the “do a barrel roll” Starfox videogame hidden search treat?

Thanks to Kate L. for the tip-off!

Gerald Lynch
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