Apple is worth more than Google and Microsoft COMBINED

Apple, Google, Microsoft, Tech Digest news

Apple now has a market value worth more than both that of Google and Microsoft combined, new financial results have revealed.

Apple’s stock rose a significant 3% this week, while Google’s share price falling 9% and Microsoft losing 6% of its Windows revenue.

That puts Apple’s stock at $493 per share, a $16 boost, for a grand total $459.82 billion dollars.

To put that in perspective, that’s twice as much as Microsoft ($258 billion) and more than twice as much as Google ($198 billion). Or not just Microsoft and Google combined, but Google, Goldman Sachs, General Motors, Ford, Starbucks and Boeing combined too.


The news follows Apple’s best ever quarter, earning $13.06 billion with total revenue in the quarter up to $46.33 billion.

Via: Apple Insider / economix.blogs.nytimes

Gerald Lynch
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