Foursquare ditch Google Maps, check in with OpenStreetMap

Tech Digest news

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Foursquare have dropped Google Maps support from their social location network in favour of using OpenStreetMap, stating that the open-source mapping service is a “better-fit” for their network.

“Starting today, we’re embracing the OpenStreetMap movement, so all the maps you see when you go to will look a tiny bit different (we think the new ones are really pretty). Other than slightly different colors and buttons, though, foursquare is still the same site you know and love,” explained the Foursquare blog.

Pricing seems to have been the ultimate reason for the switch

“When we initially began looking around for other map providers, we found some incredibly strong alternatives,” added the blog.

“And while the new Google Maps API pricing was the reason we initially started looking into other solutions, we ultimately ended up switching because, after all our research and testing, OpenStreetMap and MapBox was simply the best fit for us.”

Gerald Lynch
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  • This is a very helpful post; i hope this really helps me to complete my project.N.

  • I hope it performs better than Google map or at least at the same level. If its quality turns out to be less, then, it will not fulfill the task it needs to perform.

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