Valve confirm new gaming engine in the works: Half Life 3 on Source 2?

Gaming, Tech Digest news

Half-Life-2-Episode-3.jpgValve, the developers behind the Half Life and Left 4 Dead series, as well as the Steam digital download platform for PC and Mac, have confirmed that they are working on a new PC gaming engine.

The follow up to their 2004 Source engine, which has powered games such as Half Life 2, Portal 2, Left for Dead 2 and third party titles like Zeno Clash, was confirmed by Valve boss Gabe Newell during an interview with

Kicking off by requesting no questions be asked regarding the long-awaited Half Life 3, Newell opened up about the new engine.

“We’ve been working on new engine stuff for a while,” said Newell,

“We’ve just been waiting for a game to roll it out with.”

Insisting it was an entirely new engine rather than an updated version of the existing Source engine, Newell fell short of christening it publicly as Source 2, but it indeed seems likely that Half Life 3 will be the title to champion the new engine, much like Half Life 2 was for the original Source.

The introduction of a new engine from Valve soon would be a timely one, taking advantage of the current PC gaming boom in the absence of new home gaming consoles, adding to the already fevered buzz surrounding Half Life 3, and putting Valve in a strong position to push a console version of the engine as a viable development environment for games to hit the anticipated launches of the PS4 and Xbox 720.

Gerald Lynch
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