Amazon in talks to launch own music streaming Spotify rival

Digital Music, Tech Digest news

amazon-cloud-player-005.jpgOnline retail behemoth Amazon are said to be in talks with record labels ahead of a launch of their own digital music streaming service.

It is thought that Amazon would integrate the service into it’s cloud music storage and Cloud Player products, perhaps even bundling subscription payments into the company’s premium Amazon Prime priority shipping, TV, movie and eBook rental service.

According to The Verge, the subscription-based service would go head-to-head not only with established service Spotify, but also Google and Apple’s rumoured services. Apple have apparently been so far unable to cut a deal that fits both their and the record companies’ needs, whereas Google are apparently proving more successful off the back of the deals already in place through YouTube, suggesting that YouTube could ultimately also be their music platform.

No word yet on officially launch details, but we’ll keep you posted.

Gerald Lynch
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