Nike+ FuelBand 2 in development, adding heart rate monitor says report

Sport, Tech Digest news

nike-fuelband.jpegNike are reportedly beginning development on a brand-new Nike+ FuelBand fitness tracker, and are popping in a few new metrics to follow for fitness fanatics.

GearLive are reporting that the new FuelBand will pack in a heart-rate and pulse monitor alongside the standard pedometer and motion trackers currently found in the FuelBand. New controls will be added too, such a pinch of the band to trigger pulse monitoring. Bluetooth 4.0 will also be used to improve battery life and offer more reliable stat syncing between the wristband and connected devices.

Nike are also said to be expanding the Nike+ API, letting developers tap into the stat tracking data. This follows an announcment back in March that Nike had selected ten companies for its Accelerator FuelBand Nike+ API program.

The report also has some good news for Android owners, so often left hanging by Nike. It states that the next FuelBand will come with its own Android app, a feature sorely missed from the current wristband.

With the wristband said to be already out in the wild being tested, it seems it won’t be long until we get a clearer look at Nike’s plans.

Gerald Lynch
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