Samsung 5G innovation could power super-fast download speeds

Internet, Samsung, Tech Digest news

samsung-5.jpgThough EE have got a solid 4G footing in the UK, we’re still waiting for the competition to heat up when other networks roll-out their super-fast mobile broadband offering here in old Blighty. The problem now however is that by the time 4G is widespread here, it’ll already look like yesterday’s news, as Samsung claims to have made a breakthrough in the development of next generation of 5G.

They’ve been working on mmWave Mobile Technology, which will allow for data transmission speeds hundreds of times faster than 4G, allowing for many gigabits per second of data to be downloaded on the go.

Ultra high definition movie downloads to a mobile in just few seconds could soon become a reality:

“Subscribers will be able to enjoy a wide range of services such as 3D movies and games, real-time streaming of ultra high-definition (UHD) content, and remote medical services,” said Samsung today.

Thankfully for EE and its rivals, the technology won’t be commercially available for some time yet, with Samsung expecting the technology to go overground in 2020. Either way, it’s something to look forward to, and likely something we’ll need as movies, games and apps become more detailed, complex and come in larger file sizes.

“Samsung’s latest innovation is expected to invigorate research into 5G cellular communications across the world,” said Samsung today.

“The company believes it will trigger the creation of international alliances and the timely commercialisation of related mobile broadband services.”

Gerald Lynch
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