Check out this cool diagram of Samsung's Galaxy range


Can’t decide which device from the Samsung Galaxy range to get? You could be forgiven, as there’s an awful lot of different choices – as this diagram demonstrates.


(Click for bigger!)

The chart has been put together by designer Luke Wroblewski and shows just how fragmented the line-up has become. And this doesn’t even account for the new S5. You can get the phone/phablet/tablet for you anywhere between 3.27″ and 10.1″. If you want a 9″ tablet though… you might be out of luck!

Compare this to Apple’s product line-up – where you’ve pretty much got a choice of four different sizes, maximum (iPhone 1-4S, 5-5S, iPad and iPad Mini).

What do you think of this? Does this suggest Samsung is getting too fragmented? Is it a good thing that Android can work in so many different sizes? Let us know in the comments.

James O’Malley
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