Top 10 under-£20 gadget gifts for Christmas 2014

Christmas is fast approaching, but what to get the gadget geek in your life? If you want to make more effort than a tenner in a greetings card, but don’t want to break the bank, here are some suggestions for some top Christmas gifts that’ll set you back less than £20.
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Snap Remote
If you want to improve your selfies, the Snap Remote makes things much easier. Now you can simply mount your phone into the plastic stand, and then stand wherever you like – hitting the little button remote to snap a photo.
It’s compatible with iPhones, iPad and Android, and will ensure you’ll never have to awkwardly outstretch your arms again.
£7.99 from Amazon [/nextpage]
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Natural History Museum pocket microscope
From the description:
“With this pocket sized microscope you are able to view small objects in high detail with brightness and clarity that even impressed scientists at the Natural History Museum. It has 20-40 x magnification which makes it ideal for viewing coins, print and nature. The bright LEDs and focus wheel ensure pin sharp images. The Natural History Museum Pocket Microscope is weighted and has a high quality rubberised body construction.”
Perfect for anyone who fancies themselves as a scientist.
£9.70 from Amazon.
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USB iShaver
If you know someone who travels a lot and always looks like a mess, why not pick ’em up a USB iShaver – so they can scrape hair from their face wherever they are? It has an altra-thin net foil with floating blades – but best of all recharges over USB.
£16.95 from Amazon
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From FireBox’s description…
“A wise man once said that nothing is truly portable unless you can comfortably fit it onto your keyring. The ChargeKey is just that, and allows you to have a spare cable with you ready to charge your gadgets or sync to a PC. Made from a highly durable combination of rubber and silicone, it can be bent and twisted in any direction, and the connectors are cleverly scratch and damage-resistant.”
£19.99 from FireBox.
[/nextpage] [nextpage title=”Next”]Star Wars Light Up Chop Sabers
Make mealtimes more, umm, Jedi, with these Star Wars light sabre chop sticks.
£12.99 at FireBox
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Nintendo 64 Cartridge Soaps
Firebox says…
“Hark back to those days of care-free youth spent on the sofa, shoulder-to-shoulder with your mates playing your favourite games. Smother yourself in gaming nostalgia with the Nintendo 64 Cartridge Soaps and make the tiresome work week that little bit easier during your morning shower.”
£9.99 from Firebox.
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Bluetooth Silicone Shower Speaker
If you know someone who likes to sing in the shower, this could be the perfect gift. Hook up a phone via bluetooth (leaving it well clear of the water), and it will beam the music wirelessly so you can listen whilst showering.
Comes with a suction mechanism on the back – perfect for mounting on tiles.
£19.95 from Prezzybox
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Smartphone Projector
This looks pretty clever – a projector for your phone. Unlike expensive ‘real’ projectors, this appears to work using mirrors and reflections rather than with complex technology – but it looks like it would make for a neat toy.
£15.95 from PrezzyBox
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Google Cardboard
How about having some Virtual Reality fun this Christmas? Whilst it isn’t exactly Oculus Rift, Google Cardboard is a clever little cheapo version: Simply mount your phone in front of the lenses and use one of the various apps available to immerse yourself in some (pretty basic) virtual worlds.
Cardboard isn’t yet officially available in the UK – but you can still import this imitation from Dodocase, which is nearly identical.
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Spray Paint Projection Clock
Now you can combine all of the subversiveness of graffiti culture with conscientious punctuality thanks to this spray paint clock. Press down on the ‘spray can’ to have the time projected on to the wall.
£14.95 from PrezzyBox.