Microsoft to start offering official Xbox One support on Reddit


Whilst most big companies offer customer support via Twitter, Microsoft is going the extra mile and will now be offering support to Xbox One gamers on Reddit.


Given that Reddit is one of the biggest websites in the world, and one particularly frequented by gamers the move makes perfect sense. It seems that initially at least /u/Xbox_Support will be patrolling /r/xboxone/.

The account won’t be manned 24/7, with it sticking to US west coast office hours – but it could still prove useful for gamers who need more than 140 characters to express the help they need.

It’ll also be interesting to see if Sony will now follow suit in /r/PS4/ and whether the collective community of Reddit can goad them into having a public fight in /r/gaming.

James O’Malley
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One thought on “Microsoft to start offering official Xbox One support on Reddit

  • Microsoft the type of company that would make a holo helmet for wall street investors even though research has found that the helmet permanetely damages the brain creating a screen burn on the brain forever. Microsoft such a punk it would advertise using fake blogs that its making money while taking out billion dollar loans to buy back (inflate) stock when its down.

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