Design of the day: Roy Harpaz toc ‘vertical record player’

Hi-Fi Systems, Home audio

Yesterday we looked at a beautiful state of the art computer keyboard on Kickstarter made out of Maple. Today’s design comes courtesy of Design Boom and is a vertical record player called toc.

Created by industrial designer Roy Harpaz, this walnut-based design features a linear tracking system to capture the good old analogue sound and can be controlled with a remote control or LED touch buttons on the front panel.

Users can easily skip between tracks, thanks to a sensor that scans the tracks on each vinyl inserted. It can even play warped records (vinyl records that have been bent over time from heat) without any problems apparently.

Undoubtedly it looks great. But as yet there’s no information as to whether the product actually exists, is being created as part of a Kickstarter campaign or is simply a concept. As soon as we find out more, we’ll let you know.


Chris Price
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