Uber forgotten items: Last Supper painting and cat among items left behind!
What’s the craziest thing you’ve left behind in an Uber? Probably an umbrella or more seriously a mobile phone or your front door key.
It’s probably not your cat, a painting of the Last Supper or a fake skull – just some of the bizarre items reported missing via Uber’s lost and found index. Others include a Nando’s uniform, a smoke machine and a poster of 80s boyband Bros.
According to the ride-hailing service’s data, London, Belfast and Bristol were the UK’s most forgetful cities over the last 12 months, with the highest number of lost items relative to trips. The data suggests the UK is the fourth most forgetful nation in Europe, behind Ireland, the Netherlands and France.
The UK lost items list also included five toilet rolls, a script for musical Legally Blonde, a purple travel potty, a ukulele, a Masonic apron, an electric scooter, a GCSE art project and a panini maker.

“We’ve all experienced that moment of panic when you realise you’ve left something behind in a car, plane, bus or train, only to realise the chances of getting that item back are slim,” an Uber spokesman said.
“Because Uber offers 24/7 in-app support and records the details of your trip, you’re much more likely to be reunited with your belongings, especially when you can call your driver directly from the app to arrange its safe delivery back to you.”
Uber said reports from users on the loss of “my dignity” and “my pride” were also logged with the firm.
A tooth, a KFC meal, a vegan sausage roll, a return train ticket to Scotland, a Panettone, a SNES games console, a pewter tankard, some partial dentures, two vodka cranberry drinks and 20 Sovereign Blue cigarettes and a jar of herbs completed the strangest items list.
The most commonly lost item is a mobile phone, Uber said, followed by a wallet or purse, bags or backpacks and keys.