Vodafone offers free access to NHS UK services
With the spread of the Coronavirus across the UK, access to reliable health information has never been more crucial.
As a result, Vodafone has decided to give all of its mobile customers, including VOXI and TalkMobile customers, free access to NHS UK online, including the web sites of NHS England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, so that they can get the latest health information at no additional cost.
Free access to these services will be available for as long as the Coronavirus (COVID-19) remains prevalent in the UK. While many Vodafone customers are already using Vodafone’s unlimited data plans, it says it want customers to be able to access these NHS online services without having to worry about data charges.
Phone calls to NHS 111 are already free to use across all providers.
NHS services
The NHS online sites free to access include:
www.nhs.uk; 111.nhs.uk/, www.england.nhs.uk, www.nidirect.gov.uk, www.publichealth.hscni.net, www.nhsinform.scot, www.wales.nhs.uk and https://nwis.nhs.wales/