Do’s and Don’ts of Sharing Your Netflix


Let’s start with a question often asked, which often appears on Google and websites and other community websites. Is sharing Netflix legal? Yeah, it is. After all, if Netflix accounts were restricted to one person, you could not create multiple profiles. Right?

Your account is only for “family and non-commercial use” according to the Netflix Terms of Service and cannot be shared with persons outside your household.” It’s a little complicated here. Family members or staff who actually live at the same address as you and who probably use the same internet service can be understood as your household members. But what if you would like to share your account in another city with your partner or a family member?

While this is theoretically contrary to the terms of service, Netflix tends to show a blind eye on the issue at the moment. There is ample proof that users share accounts in various cities or even countries with spouses or family members who live without paying for the service. A poll also found that almost countless people share streaming service credentials. This results in the loss of millions of dollars to the streaming service!

But you can save those millions of dollars and utilize the service by venturing into a much more diverse and creative library. So what if you are using a shared account, you must know how to make the most out of it, and we will guide you on how to do so. 

Streamers can watch Netflix using ExpressVPN to enhance their streaming choices of libraries, and increase the number of titles available. Opting for this approach enhances not only their overall streaming accounts security but also unlocks the true potential of the possible options.

How many devices can Netflix stream at the same time?

This entirely depends on the package you have selected for yourself. If you have picked the basic plan, only one person can stream on it at a time. In the Standard Plan, you can connect two screens simultaneously, and with Premium, you can connect up to four simultaneous screens. 

On how many devices can I download Netflix content?

The ability to stream content offline by downloading it is one of the best features Netflix provides. Nevertheless, the number of devices on which you can download content is restricted. Like Netflix, Basic can have one download system with the same simultaneous streams. Regular has two upgrades, with four Premium.

Naturally, it doesn’t mean one can’t download and watch content on more than one device and watch it on your Netflix application on smartphones and tablets. However, you must have specified the devices for download. All you need to do is uninstall downloaded contents from an old phone if you want to swap from one another, for example, when you bought a new phone. You can also delete it by going to your account and then, in the settings section, select Manage Download Devices.

Neil Hunt, Product Manager at Netflix, has said that the streaming service “obsessed with enforcing compliance with a one-household-per-account constraint.” Therefore, our advice is to try to adhere, if possible, to the single household law, but not worry about living elsewhere for one member”. Disney’s international expansion plan was amazing though, especially with the 10 million sign-ups on launch day.

Getting Rid of Free Riders

You share your password with your best friend, he then shares it with his girlfriend, and then his girlfriend shares it with her best friend, who now shares it with her boyfriend, and the chain goes on. Get rid of these free riders and never witness the “Too many people are using your account right now”. Plus there are many dangers of sharing your password.

Follow these steps to get all the unknown people out of your Netflix account:

  • Go to Netflix, Select your profile and tap down on the menu.
  • Select account.
  • Press on change password. It will be under the Membership & Billing section.
  • Now, you will be asked to enter your old password.
  • Choose log out from all devices.
  • Sign in with your new credentials.

If you want to make your account completely secure so that no one else other than you can access it, head over to Settings and press on Sign out of all devices just in case. Now your Netflix account will be logged off from all devices. Put on your best Headphones and stream on!

You will have to log in again with your new password.

What’s the best way to share your Netflix account without giving out your password?

Despite the expansion plans of Disney and other platforms, Netflix is still king. It’s likely that you’re using a password for Netflix that you already use for another program. Although keeping your password secret while sharing your Netflix account with a family number may not be a good idea, you may want to do so anyway. You can do this with the aid of a password manager.

The best part is, if both of you have the same password manager, you can share passwords discreetly! Loads and loads of new streaming services are coming out.

Tech Digest Correspondent