Website-checking tool to helps users spot scams

Internet, News

A new website-checking tool has been launched to help users confirm whether a site is legitimate before they click on it. 

Internet safety group Get Safe Online has worked with fraud prevention service Cifas to create the tool, which enables users to enter the address of any website to check if it is a real site or a scam.

The tool is hosted on the Get Safe Online website and uses an algorithm based on more than 40 data sources and malicious website reports from law enforcement agencies, regulators and consumer brands to identify and vet the sites entered by users – providing a trust score for the website.

Fake or malicious websites, often impersonating genuine sites, are used by scammers to lure people into sharing personal and financial details which can then be used to facilitate identity theft.

Says Tony Neate, Get Safe Online’s chief executive:

“For over 15 years Get Safe Online has been providing online safety advice and tips for individuals and small businesses to ensure all of us can use the internet safely and with confidence.

“The internet is amazing, but as with so many things, there are downfalls to look out for when using it: scams, fraud, people trying to exploit you and your personal information.”

Adds Rocio Concha, Which? Director of Policy and Advocacy: 
“The UK is in the grip of a fraud epidemic so any tools or advice that might prevent people from giving their financial and personal details to a scammer are welcome.
“A tool like this should help some consumers to do some research before clicking through to websites, but it doesn’t absolve tech firms of their responsibility to stop scams at source and of banks to reimburse innocent victims who lose money to sophisticated fraud tactics. Consumers should remember that if a deal looks too good to be true, it probably is.”
The Get Safe Online website checker tool can be found at
Chris Price
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