Author: Daniel Sung
Asus Airo foldable laptop gets price and date
I’m rather gobsmacked this morning to read that Asus is actually going to release their origami-inspired foldable laptop, the Airo, later this year. There was little said about either it or the dual screened shared notebook concepts…
3 offers 15GB of data per month for £15
With most mobile service providers given up on trying to con us over the price of a text message, I’d thought it was data they were trying to do us for now. That was before I saw this deal from 3 offering 15GB per month for just £15, and at a pound per GB that makes it the best mobile broadband package…
Sanwa throat microphone – for picking up good vibrations, and probably bad ones too
“Mmm, they’re coming right at us,” are the words that spring to mind when I look at the commercially available Sanwa throat microphone but, no, this isn’t a tool limited to those with voice box issues.
Throat mics neutralise the problems of having to be heard in a noisy environment…
Nice Concept #1: View Trans language translator
It took me a while to get my head around the View Trans. It’s a language translator but, unlike other electronic translators out there, you don’t have to type in the text by hand for the machine to get to work.
You see, that system is all very well and good until you have to decipher some copy written in a foreign alphabet and, naturally, one that you don’t have a keyboard for…
Spotify coming to mobile phones – iPhone, Android and S60 all coming soon
We’ve already know what Spotify has in store for the iPhone but job ads spied on the Swedish company’s website today show that they’ve got plans to bring the music streaming service to Android and S60 phones as well.
The description is for software engineers who will “help us make Spotify mobile”…
Gmail introduces Undo Send to pull back e-mails
I don’t use Gmail but I appreciate I’m one of the unenlightened here. I do have an account – two actually – but it just doesn’t interest me. I watched on a few weeks back when crisis day hit, the service went down and people were brought to their knees; people that is except for me.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think it’s rubbish or anything but I can’t say that new features like the one they’ve released today exactly haul me in either. This morning brings the dawn of the “Undo Send” feature on Gmail. Undo Send. Yes, superb…
Google Street View launches in the UK & Netherlands
Late last night Google Street View UK & Netherlands went live. Sneaky old Google for keeping that one quiet. Fortunately, there were a few sharp eyed peeps out there who spotted ground level street views of cities in the UK including:
Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Coventry, Derby, Leeds, Liverpool, London…
Dell Studio One 19 all-in-one PC out next month for just £579
All-in-one computers have nothing if not sex appeal and although the Dell Studio One 19 might be a little more disappointing than, say, the Asus Eee Top outside a club and in the light of day, it’s still the kind of machine you’d happily have atop your table.
The good news today is that not only do we have a release date – 24th April – but it’s also going to be one hell of a lot cheaper than we thought at a near giveaway of…
Microsoft Surface takes the stage in the UK with home integration planned for the future
I’ve just be blown away by the Microsoft Surface. If there’s one take home message from the event I went to, along with just about every other UK tech head, it’s that these things have to be seen to be believed.
Steve Ballmer’s comments about having one in every home by such and such a futuristic year didn’t exactly help their good name, along with their £8,500 price tag…
Fujitsu FLEPia: World's first colour eReader available in Japan
The BeBook, the Sony Reader, the Foxit eSLick – yes they’re all for eBook readers but what else do they all have in common? Answer: they’re all in black and white. The Fujitsu FLEPia, however, lets you read in colour…