Author: Daniel Sung
SHINY VIDEO: Tech Digest goes on the hunt with Resident Evil 5
Yesterday morning, Duncan and I went on the hunt for dead bodies. Capcom had laid down a treasure hunt over London for gamers to win themselves "a dream holiday" in Africa and feeling rather pasty and cold, we decided that Tech Digest was going to win that luxury break. We didn't but this is how it went down…
Buy a digital red nose for your Facebook & Twitter profile pics
I don’t generally write about charitable causes on TD because I’m not a very nice person.
Chris Moyles, apparently, is though – well, nice enough to donate a pound to Comic Relief in exchange for a digital red nose to stick on his Facebook/MySpace/Bebo/Twitter/I-suppose-anywhere-he-likes page.
Yes, you could probably Photoshop it yourself but a) that would be rather mean and b) there’s some kind of statement in that about your time being worth less than the pound it would cost…
SHINY VIDEO REVIEW: Dell E4200 12.1" Latitude notebook
We saw this 1kg notebook quite a while back but Dell has finally sent out their E4200 for all the tech world to get a closer look at. I already knew it was a lush little piece of brushed aluminium design plus a large backside but here’s what I made of the rest of it…
Google confirms Android 'Cupcake' software upgrade and paid for apps
It’s probably easier to get excited about the free Cupcake software update on Android than having to pay for more games but, either way, today is a good day for Google.
From next month, all Android phones – so, er, the G1 – will get an on-screen keyboard, A2DP stereo Bluetooth…
Batteries to charge up in less than 20 secs
I always thought that a whole new battery technology would be the way to enhance our mobile power supply experience of techno-gadgetry, but it turns out it’s going to be good old Li-ion all along. Apparently, we’ve been doing it wrong all this time and that we’ll have one that can charge up in less than 20 seconds in two to three years’ time.
We know this because a crack team of battery bods at MIT has already…
BARGAIN OF THE WEEK: Flatpack tabletop photographic studio
If you sell quite a few bits and pieces on eBay or want to scare your pets, then get your card out now because the tabletop photo studio will pay for itself in a matter of weeks – unless you just use it for scaring your pets, of course.
It’s a 20″ L x 20″ W x 20″ H light box with diffusers built-in…
3-in-1 washing machine – USB dock and card reader not detergent
There are times when I look at a product and can’t figure out for the life of me why I want to write about it. The 3-in1 USB washing machine is such a product.
Let’s get this straight from the start. It’s not a washing machine…
DRM-free music downloads across the Vodafone network
Vodafone has announced today that they’ve agreed a deal with Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment and EMI Music to provide users with DRM-free music downloads via the mobile network…
Apple unveils talking iPod Shuffle
When the Apple store drops off the internet for a few hours there’s only ever one reason and now that the curtain is up again we’ve got a new look 4GB iPod Shuffle to coo about. Coo coo…
Customisable BBC mobile browser in beta
I wasn’t aware the BBC website was customisable until a month or two back. So, I shuffled it around a bit and ended up with something that was pretty much exactly what they’d suggested in the first place.
Now, the same experience can be mine all over again but this time on my phone as the Beeb has launched a beta version of their customisable mobile browser…