OPINION: Why is nobody using Android?


I’m going to do you a favour before I make you read everything I’ve got to say. I don’t know the answer. I don’t know why just about every phone manufacturer save Apple and Nokia has given Google’s mobile OS the cold battery cover ever since the G1 came out in October last year. I don’t know.

You don’t hear any Android user talking about how rubbish the platform is. You don’t hear any developers saying it isn’t any good either, and in techland, that’s a sign that a product is more or less perfect. So, what’s the problem…

USB key keys from LaCie


These are keys. Except they’re not keys; except they are. And yet not.

What I can tell you with 100% certainty is that they’re made by LaCie. Well, sort of. They’re manufactured by them but designed by the award winning 5.5 Designers. That’s close enough for me.

What you’re looking at is three products shaped like keys. Now, of course they’re not keys, they’re USB sticks…

Acer unveils phone roadmap for 2009


At what appeared to be just to be a closer look at the Acer Tempo range of smartphones we saw at MWC, the notebook giants revealed their mobile phone plans for world domination.

By Q3 2009, you can expect to see handsets such as the H2, L1, C1 and E1 sporting 5-megapixel cameras and all working on Windows Mobile 6.5. It will mean that by the end of the year, the company that sells 33 million computers worldwide will have over 10 mobile phones…