Author: Mof Gimmers
YouTube Video of the Day – Will an iPod blend?
It's been quite a year for iPods… and of all the useful things they can do, there is one question that remains… will it blend? Let's find out!…
YouTube Video of the Day – Borat talks to the Republicans
Borat has been one of the major success stories of the year. From being a bit part on the Ali G show, to worldwide domination, he's made faux pas after faux pas… and made us all laugh too! I would…
Top10 YouTube videos of 2006
The folks over at have compiled a list of the most watched viral videos of 2006 with Britney Spears burping and saying "huh?!" coming out on top (click here to watch the horror unfold). To readress the balance, here…
YouTube Video of the Day – Tony versus Paul
Today's video is a brilliant little stop motion battle between two friends turned enemies. Written and directed by Paul Cummings and Tony Fiandaca, the pair set off on a battle royale which sees them performing the impossible! Brilliant stuff!…
YouTube Video of the Day – Funny news link
Sometimes, the most serious news link up can be the funniest thing you've seen in ages. How so? Well, when watching this, something may well catch your eye (or have someone's eye out) in the background. Have a great weekend….
YouTube Video of the Day – A letter to Father Christmas
Ever spent a year being a good boy/girl just so you can get just what you always wanted for Christmas? Maybe one year, you wrote to Santa in your bestest handwriting and come the special day, the gift you asked…
YouTube Video of the Day – The YouTube Community Choir sing the 12 Days of Christmas
If all the supermarkets and department stores are at it, why shouldn't we climb aboard the festive ship of cheer? Well, to celebrate the imminent yuletide frolics and debt, let's sit back and watch the YouTube Community Choir bellow their…
YouTube Video of the Day – Gonks Go Beat
"What a strange garb…. I feel a right pixie in this!" is the start of this very odd clip. It's from a flick called 'Gonks Go Beat' which sees an alien landing on Planet Beat… and… well… then a harmonica…
YouTube Video of the Day – The Human Can-Opener
Yesterday, you saw a knife that could open just about anything. Well, here's a video of a girl who doesn't need any help from no stinkin' Swiss Army Knife. She can open car with her mouth. It looks wrong… and…
YouTube Video of the Day – Gigantic Swiss Army Knife
Do you recall Crocodile Dundee saying "That's not a knife… this is a knife…"? Well imagine interjecting and saying… "Sorry to interrupt… but THIS is a knife…" and pulling out the world's most biggest and mentalist Swiss Army Knife. John…