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New LG U400 phone for turntable junkies
LG has woken up to the fact that everyone but them has a music-focused phone, announcing the U400 this week. But whilst its contemporaries (Sony Ericsson W850i, Nokia 3250) went for music generally, LG have focused this firmly at…
Free Pirate Font and Much More Besides
With a Yo Ho Ho and and quick avast there me hearties Propellerhead thought it might be a good time to tell you about the Kallot True Type Font, which includes all of the skull and crossbones and skeletons…
Yippee, It's Backup Awareness Month!
In case you didn't know July is Backup Awareness month (it's also Ice Cream Month, American Beer Month and UV Safety Month, to name but a few…). The point is the hard disc drive industry; specifically Maxtor and Seagate…
Add ISO Burning and Disc Copying To XP
The CD and DVD burning facilities in Windows XP are quite basic but here’s a tip from Propellerhead that’s beefs them up a bit by adding an ISO image file and disc copying facility. By the way, an ISO…
Oakley and Motorola launch O-ROKR shades
First came the Oakley/Motorola RAZRWIRE, which let you answer your phone via your sunglasses, and today the O-ROKR is announced, which will stream music straight to your shades. This marks Oakley and Motorola's second collaboration, with design lessons seeming…
Review: Samsung E870
The Samsung E870 is big on looks. Which it needs to be, because it's fairly small on everything else. Strictly speaking, it probably falls into the catergory of 'lady phone', the type of which Samsung churn out at an…
Improve Your Profile
We've all done it, typed our names into Google to see if we get a mention. If you have any sort of on-line presence you may well score a hit in the first few pages, but how would you…
Shortcut to ClipBook Viewer
Here's another one of those hidden features in Windows XP that are actually quite useful, except that Microsoft forget to tell anyone that was there… It's called the ClipBook Viewer and old Windows hands may remember something similar in…
Review: Samsung YP-U2
Flash memory is getting cheaper by the day and it is possible to pick up budget MP3 players pretty cheaply. The Samsung YP-U2 is ideal for anyone who doesn't want to fork out for the something like an iPod…
Review: Solio power charger
Environmental gadgets are normally the domain of those nice guys at Hippy Shopper, but Friday has brought a warm glow to our hearts, and a review of the Solio power charger to boot. There's not much to explain about this…