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Plane Simple
Propellerhead reader Allan Harper wants to know where he can find plans for top flight paper aeroplanes? Well, he went to the right place and our resident web guru was able to point him in the right direction with a…
Shortcut to Windows Device Manager
If you are anything like us and can't resist fiddling with your PC then you'll be no stranger to the Windows Device Manager. It's the place to go when you need to sort out driver problems and tinker with…
Interview: Sega Europe's President Mike Hayes
We’ve been lucky enough to get the chance to speak to Sega Europe’s President Mike Hayes to kick start our brand spanking new interviews section. We’ll be speaking to the man himself on Monday but first we’d like to…
Launch your favourite applications fast!
There's probably several programs on your PC that you use all the time and every time you want to launch one you have to go through the rigmarole of clicking through to the Programs menu, or hunt around for the…
CeBIT 2006: Jabra reveals new products for music lovers
Presumably after years of trying to convince us Brits that it's ok to wander around talking to yourself using a Bluetooth headset, Jabra has decided to change tack slightly and reveal some products for music lovers. This seems pretty…
LG's 100-inch LCD leviathan
Not only has LG.Philips snatched Samsung's previous 'largest LCD TV' record away, it has made a mockery of it by somehow forging a device nearly 1.5 times its size. Despite its vast proportions (2.2 x 1.2 metres), the 100…
CeBIT 2006: The world's largest backlit LCD TV
CeBIT just wouldn't be a technology expo without some kind of record breaking mammoth telly. Luckily Samsung has been kind enough wheel out another 'world's largest' for the show. Showing off an 82 inch TV with LED backlighting, Samsung…
CeBIT 2006: Date set for first Blu-ray player
Samsung has set a launch date for its debut Blu-ray player, the BD-P1000, which is now due to hit store shelves in the US just before the end of May this year. The BD player offers the highly desirable…
CeBIT 2006: Tons of new Garmin goodies
Garmin have pulled out all the stops this year and have revealed a whole host of new GPS devices and enhanced features for existing ones. The Garmin nüvi 310 and 360 are essentially upgrades to their nüvi 300 and…
CeBIT 2006: Samsung's 4 Gig flash MP3 player
More details on the YP-Z5 Music Jukebox announced today by Samsung. The company claims that it is the first large capacity music subscription -enabled, flash based jukebox player, which isn't really saying much is it? Nevertheless it looks pretty…