The world's best (alright, only) robot-shaped calculator


Surely a calculator-shaped robot would be a cooler thing to have in your pencil case? You could let it out in exams to shoot lasers at the invigilator while you crib quadratic equations answers from the person next to you. It’s daydreams like this that stopped me getting a decent Maths GCSE grade, incidentally.

Anyway, US gadget site Perpetual Kid is selling the less attractive option, a robot-shaped calculator… a personalised MTV for Web 2.0 heads


It’s a bit of a cliche to say that MTV doesn’t play music videos any more: that might be true on its main channel, but then it’s got plenty of music-focused spin-offs (MTV2, MTV Base etc) for that.

Nevertheless, a number of Web 2.0 startups are working the ‘we get back to the days when MTV wasn’t full of annoying Jackass blokes and prom queens’ angle, serving up just music – except personalised to your tastes. The latest is, an offshoot of music recommendation service MyStrands.