Category: 3D TV
2012 boom-time for 3D TV say Sony
Though this week's Consumer Electronics Show and the rest of 2010 alike will bring with them tons of 3D TV tech headlines, Sony executive Mike Fasulo has suggested that all the hype may yet be a little premature. Whilst speaking…
The PS3 WILL be 3D Blu-ray compatible
The Blu-ray disc association have settled on the codec it's going to use to display 3D Blu-ray, and with it comes great news for PS3 owners. The codec agreed upon will be Multiview Video Coding, which will only need 50%…
Could 3D Blu-ray be ready by summer 2010? Nvidia think so
Nvidia's PR manager for the UK and Northern Europe, Ben Berraondo, has announced that 3D Blu-ray movies may be availalbe from as early as summer 2010. Berraondo confirmed that after months of heated talks, the Blu-ray Association had finally settled…
3D football broadcasts by Sky in 2010
For all its merits, there are a couple of players we think wont benefit much from the jump to 3D.
Vuzix launch Wrap Video Eyeware
The Wrap range feature displays embedded in the glasses which recreate for the wearer the experience of watching a screen up to 67 inches in size.
Sony plans 360-degree 3D display
Sony's big plans to rule the roost over 3D technology next year took a step away from flat screen TVs as details of a prototype 360-degree 3D display were unveiled today.