Could Nudge smart wristband prevent COVID-19 spread?

A British company has launched a wristband that trains people to stop touching their face, a common transmission route for COVID-19. The Nudge wristband uses behavioural science and artificial intelligence to psychologically ‘nudge’ the wearer. Its developers say the band helps minimise wearers’ risk of catching infectious diseases and can also help many of the…

Over half of customers don’t get any benefit from AI

While COVID-19 has catalysed financial services organizations to harness Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve customer experience (CX), challenges in integration and customer perceptions are still undermining its potential. That's according to a report published today by the Capgemini Research Institute entitled, Smart Money: How to drive AI at scale to transform the financial services customer experience.…

COVID-19: 9 key trends shaping industry response

Frost & Sullivan’s recent analysis, The Reshaping of Industries Caused by COVID-19, encompasses nine key trends that will emerge from industries reshaping as a response to COVID-19. Chris Price reports... With the pandemic’s negative impact on the global economy, immediate action is critical. Technology leaders must assess the emerging opportunities resulting from COVID-19 and provide technological…